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Business Advice

It is critical that business structures and agreements are well thought out and are correctly set up to ensure that immediate and future goals are achieved.


Getting this wrong can result in significant and costly consequences, including an excessive tax burden and other business challenges.


We advise on business structure, partnership agreements and other business arrangements


Business Structure


Getting the business structure correct is critical. We follow a process of firstly understanding the aspirations and goals for the business and its partners. After establishing and reviewing the potential alternatives, we will advise on business structure, partnership agreements and other relevant arrangements.   


Partnership Agreements


Australians love to believe that “she’ll be right”. Not only having a partnership agreement in place but having the right partnership agreement is imperative. It establishes a firm foundation for business success and can prevent later significant cost and disruption.

Buy/Sell Agreements


The Australian entrepreneurial spirit often produces an enthusiastic start to a business with good intentions to take care later of some important arrangements. Buy/Sell agreements can often be delayed, with dire consequences from unexpected occurrences.

We advise on the agreement appropriate to the goals and nature of the business and assist with creating and putting this in place.

General Advice Warning:

  1. The advice is general in nature and does not take into account the client’s personal circumstances;

  2. The client should consider the appropriateness of the advice before acting on it; and

  3. If the advice relates to the acquisition or possible acquisition of a financial product, they should obtain a PDS relating to the product, and consider the PDS, before making any decision about  whether to acquire the product.

Business Insurance

We advise on and assist with business continuation insurance cover for key business position holders.


This insurance cover protects against significant financial loss or loss of business income due to events affecting key position holders.


It assists in preventing the loss of business momentum and the potential for staff losses by ensuring the continuation of funding for working capital and payment of staff benefits.


We advise on the choice of policy and level of cover most appropriate for the size and nature of the business, to ensure the minimisation of loss and continuation of business operations.


Key-man Insurance


This insurance policy protects your business from financial loss which may result from the loss or impairment of a key position holder.


Buy/Sell Insurance Cover


This insurance policy provides funding for the purchase of the insured party’s portion of the business, in the event of the loss or permanent incapacitation of the insured party.

Business Expense Insurance Cover


This insurance policy provides the cashflow essential to maintain operations in circumstances where this is disrupted in the event of loss or incapacitation of the insured party.

General Advice Warning:

  1. The advice is general in nature and does not take into account the client’s personal circumstances;

  2. The client should consider the appropriateness of the advice before acting on it; and

  3. If the advice relates to the acquisition or possible acquisition of a financial product, they should obtain a PDS relating to the product, and consider the PDS, before making any decision about  whether to acquire the product.


Cashflow Management & Lending Assistance

A principal to business success is that “Cashflow is king”.


A common mistake in cashflow management is in the assumption that effective cashflow projection results from an accurate understanding of the revenue and the costs related to a business.


It requires way more than that.


Effectively managing cashflow also requires access to data and an understanding of external factors that impact the demand for and the cost of production and provision of services.


It is also important to properly structure adequate lending support.


We provide advice and recommendations to ensure factors which may otherwise cause devastating effects are considered and planned for.


Our service offers insights into factors that influence buying behaviour and the impact this would have on projected revenues.


We identify and advise on factors that affect the cost of business such as taxation, inflation, interest rates and other elements which are or are a likely future influence the Australian economy.

We model the effect these impacts may have on cashflows to enable planning and preparation and optimising business success.


This includes advice on lending options, structure, and arrangements.

General Advice Warning:

  1. The advice is general in nature and does not take into account the client’s personal circumstances;

  2. The client should consider the appropriateness of the advice before acting on it; and

  3. If the advice relates to the acquisition or possible acquisition of a financial product, they should obtain a PDS relating to the product, and consider the PDS, before making any decision about  whether to acquire the product.

Corporate Superannuation & Employee Benefit Packaging

It is a well-accepted notion that happy employees are productive employees.


It is also accepted that employee loyalty has shifted from the employer to the employees themselves.


We advise our clients on, and assist arrange corporate superannuation and employee benefit packaging options.


We are keen to contribute to the success of our business clients and we offer benefits on our services to their employees.


Employee satisfaction is a key ingredient in employee retention. And salary packaging is an effective way for a business to demonstrate care and value of its employees.


We advise on options to package employee benefits in a way that contributes value to the employee without incurring unwanted additional cost or effort to the business.

We also offer our business clients, exclusive arrangements on the cost and options of our services to its employees.

General Advice Warning:

  1. The advice is general in nature and does not take into account the client’s personal circumstances;

  2. The client should consider the appropriateness of the advice before acting on it; and

  3. If the advice relates to the acquisition or possible acquisition of a financial product, they should obtain a PDS relating to the product, and consider the PDS, before making any decision about  whether to acquire the product.

Business Optimisation Services

Establishing a new business is a significant achievement.


And maintaining effectiveness and business success over the long term requires determination and resilience.


But growing and expanding a business is a game played at a whole other level.


We possess expertise in and offer a range of services to assist our business clients move to the next level of business growth and expansion.


Our business optimisation services include assistance on business goals and strategy, business culture and team effectiveness, business productivity and business development.


Executive Coaching


Business leaders are expected to consistently produce outstanding results. And most rely on themselves alone to fulfill on this.


It would be logical to expect that elite athletes who consistently perform at the highest levels in their fields, are those who least need help. Instead, we see that the higher they perform, the greater they rely on a personal coach.

Coaching offers the opportunity of evaluation from another relevant vantage point, that can provide an otherwise unavailable perspective.


We provide executive coaching to key personnel to assist with the removal of previously unseen barriers to performance, that produces an immediate enhancement in potential for innovation, expansion, and results.



“Unseen barriers to performance” are NOT the same as a “weakness in the ability to perform”. Key personnel, by definition, are not weak in their ability to perform. This is evidenced by the positions they occupy and what it has taken for them to be in that position.


Business Culture


Business Culture matters.


It exists and can be described whether the form in which it is described was the form intended or not.


Business culture is pervasive. It informs the attitudes of the employees of the business, as it does those of its customers, partners, and suppliers.


Culture is not static however, which means it can be changed.

When correctly understood and properly addressed, a business culture can be effectively changed in relatively quick timing.


We possess the skill and experience to help our clients transform their business culture and produce consequential improvements in results in:

  • Staff satisfaction and retention levels

  • Productivity, efficiency, and safety

  • Employee responsibility and contribution

  • Team alignment and effectiveness

  • Client satisfaction, value, and retention


Business Goals & Strategy


Winston Churchill declared that the absence of a plan is a plan for failure.


It takes a high level of effort and attention to switch from the state of operation to one of planning and development.


With the fast pace of business and an ever-increasing rate of change, a common lament of business leaders is the lack of opportunity to stop, think and properly plan.


We assist identify priorities and develop and implement strategies with a focus on producing immediate measurable improved business results.


Business Improvement Services


Human nature draws people to the path of least resistance.


This leaves businesses prone to the cost of wastage, lost opportunity, and the necessity for rework.


Systems can be effective but employed alone, often do not produce the desired result.

We facilitate programs that improves and often enables for the first time:

  • Team alignment

  • Collaboration between teams

  • Individual responsibility and accountability



The success of a business is not achieved solely through it consistently and effectively producing its product or delivering its service.


Its ability to manage its administrative responsibilities effectively can be the difference between success and failure.


We assist our business clients with practical services, that are designed to contribute to the success of their business.


With a focus on cost effectiveness and quality outcomes, these include:

  • Sales management

  • Lead generation

  • Business generation

  • Client relationship management

  • Telephone reception

  • Account management


Legal Services


We appreciate the importance of getting right, the necessary business contracts, agreements, and other important documentation.


To help with this, and for those times when they need competent legal support, we assist our clients with referral to the professional legal services of our group partners.




Through the development of key relationships with likeminded businesses who value and enjoy operating for the benefit of their clients, we can assist our clients with the following additional services:

  • Executive recruitment

  • Blue collar recruitment

  • Seasonal and casual recruitment

  • Information technology systems and services

  • Digital marketing

  • Signwriting

  • Telephone sales campaigns

  • Client telephone services


Referrals & Referal Network


Our focus is on the success of our clients.


We enjoy the chance to refer business opportunities to our clients and we appreciate and invite reciprocal referral arrangements.


We are always excited to receive enquiries and requests to expand our referral program and partner network.

General Advice Warning:

  1. The advice is general in nature and does not take into account the client’s personal circumstances;

  2. The client should consider the appropriateness of the advice before acting on it; and

  3. If the advice relates to the acquisition or possible acquisition of a financial product, they should obtain a PDS relating to the product, and consider the PDS, before making any decision about  whether to acquire the product.

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ABN : 19 664 832 062  


Corporate Authorised Representative of

Boston Reed Pty Ltd

ASIC :  1301495
ABN :  89 091 004 885                  

AFSL :  225738

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PO Box Z5270, St George’s Tce Perth WA 6831

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